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Tenacious D Rocks.

A Little News

2003-10-11 - 4:11 a.m.

Saw School of Rock Sunday. An utterly silly film in the best sense. I don't recommend seeing it if Jack Black bugs you for whatever reason, 'cause he is that movie. I'm to see another film next week: any suggestions?

I went to the library the other day, got some non-fiction books that I'm using to research a novel idea, and I also got Catcher in the Rye, since I need a break from Russian authors (I'm still reading Crime and Punishment. What is it with me and Russian authors? It takes me a billion years to read a single page, it seems), and since I've never read it. Lots of people I know have said this book was their all-time favourite, so we'll see. I'm about 20 pages in and still uncertain.

I also spent the gift certificate on a cute little book called "Bird by Bird" by Anne Lamott. I read the book a few years ago when I borrowed it from a writing class teacher, and decided it was time to own it. It's a smart book about writing, basically hammering in the point that writers have to write - books don't spring fully-formed from the ether.

I'm excited about the nanowrimo. It's what's holding me together, I think. There are social events involved, and I'm planning on showing up for those. It will be good for me to be social.

I need to start telling people that Pookie and I are quits. I'm dreading it, in a bizarre way. It feels a little like coming out. After almost five years I have to come out as a single person. It feels like failure: everyone likes Pookie.

These are strange times for my emotional landscape. I can feel powerful currents of feeling around me, I know that I can easily be swept away if I think too much...but I also have this time where I'm not actually feeling anything. Now is the time to shore up the defences, to tie everything down, to make sure that if or when I have my emotional breakdown everything I'll need when I come out of it will be ready.

Not sure if that last paragraph makes sense. Oh well.


The Magus

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