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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

October, the month of renewal and growth.

2003-10-05 - 10:24 a.m.

What's really interesting is how little I have to complain about work right now. In fact, it's going fairly well. To thank all of us customer service types for handling a heck of a lot of changes, we all got the coveted (not really) title of "Employee of the Month," which means that we each got a gift, which this month was a $25 gift certificate to a book store.

Now, I think that it can sometimes take a lot to win me over, but really it doesn't. Give me books or ways to get books and I melt into a gooey pile of warm, mushy feelings. Honestly, I could not be a spy or anything that requires willpower, because I'd sell out just about everything for a shopping spree at Chapters.

I still haven't spent the $25 certificate for that restaraunt that I got last month, so I think that maybe wednesday I'm going to go out, have a nice meal, and maybe see a movie.

The name of the game this month is to keep busy, and to keep busy doing fun things.

I've decided that Mondays are my research days. I have some stuff I want to read about before I dive into next month's nanowrimo, so Monday mornings I'm going to go to this city's reference library for a few hours before going to class. Monday and Tuesday nights are filled with class, then (with the exception of this week), I'm back at work.

Towards the end of October the nanowrimo local groups will start holding events, where I will meet dozens of writers in varying stages of word-count-induced insanity. Networking, people. After November I plan to be in a writers' group or something.

It has suddenly become very, very important that I meet new people.

Goals for this month include shopping for a lap top, writing a few short stories, and maybe looking at some older stuff and sending them out for publication. I also need to check rent for bachelor apartments, because there's a good chance I will decide to move out and live on my own come January. When or if I do, I will be getting a cat, I think.

Other goals include getting an appointment with a therapist, which will be no problem. Also, to shine like the brilliant ray of light that I am.

Alright, I'm clearly delirious. Time to go.


The Magus

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