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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Money Business

2003-09-12 - 2:28 a.m.

I had a really crummy workout after work this morning. Not crummy in the "I got injured" sort of way, more in the not being motivated at all sort of way. I've been going regularly for over a year, and I think this was the first time that I didn't start feeling better as I worked through the excercises. Perhaps it's time for a change. Free weights, anyone?

As far as the whole September 11th's kind of nice that it didn't feel so claustrophobic with the tributes and remembrances and stuff this time around, but that could be because I slept through the whole thing. If it's not because I slept through the whole thing, then it's also kind of sad...because I do think it's something that should be remembered. Anytime a large number of people die in a needless accident or tragedy (including in countries where they are really poor and most of us can't pronounce the names of their cities) there should be some sort of memorial, if only because they're people. To further the thought, they should have those days be national holidays so that we don't have to work. To further that thought, given our species' history with violence and tragedy and whatnot, we should just get rid of this "work" thing altogether and re-enact that "Coke" commercial everyday. You know, where all kinds of different people stand on a green hill (no doubt it used to be covered with trees, deforested to provide paper and lumber to support the growing soft-drink industry) and sing a happy song about love and carbonated beverages.

Does anyone else wonder what $87 billion US might actually do towards rebuilding a war-torn nation if 75% of it weren't being used to support the military? I mean, at its most simple, the population of Iraq is about 23 million (according to a 1997 estimate)...if you were to just hand out bundles of cash, that would mean each citizen would get about $4000. American. I know it's not a real giant fortune, but I bet handing out cash would do more for goodwill and peace than sending in more soldiers.

Or, they could just spend some of that $87 billion on feeding the hungry in their own country...

God, I'm starting to sound like some hippy.


The Magus

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