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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-09-12 - 8:16 a.m.

Here's something exciting: For my Production Editing class, I have to (er...get to) make a magazine of some sort.

My homework for Monday is to come up with a concept, and find three magazines that sort of are related to the concept. I guess the idea is to come up with something new and exciting and then base it on stuff other people have already done.

I guess the magazine is going to be something on dark sci-fi/horror/fantasy fiction, because it's something I kinda enjoy and it won't be too tough to find comparable magazines at the last minute (I'm poor until hours before my class, and so I have to buy the magazines on the way to school).

Another idea was to do a magazine on online journaling, which would be really interesting, but I think that the only magazines to compare it with are online, and while it would be free to print them off, it would not be as impressive for my homework. The title for that magazine would have been: "On Lines" neat, huh?

Things are also trucking along with the IMC print edition thingy. By "trucking along" I mean going horrifically slowly.


The Magus

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