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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-09-13 - 8:00 a.m.

I watched the last hour of the Laramie Project last night. Not fun, but kind of necessary.

That's probably the largest difference between Pookie and me, how I feel a need to watch shows and movies that involve people, either real or fictitious, going through some horrible times, and Pookie doesn't, or can't (depending on the horrible time).

I think the reason is that I've had a relatively undamaging life, whereas Pookie has had some pretty extreme badness happen. I want to understand why these horrible things happen, how they can happen, whereas Pookie already knows why and how, because he's seen it first-hand.

I don't really have much more to say on the subject, except that I don't think there's any way that I'll ever understand why someone would picket a funeral. I don't understand why someone would feel the need to disturb such a ... personal experience. If you think homsexuality or anti-war or pro-choice supporters are wrong, that's fine, and really, if you have to, disturb their life, but please let them have some peace after they've died.


The Magus

PS: Yes, I know that once you're a lifeless corpse, you probably don't really care whether or not people are picketing your funeral, but it's more the principal of the thing that gets me angry, not some bizarre respect for rotting meat.

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