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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Team building and "V"

2003-08-27 - 7:43 a.m.

To specify, by "here" I meant physically, in Toronto. Is where I have no friends. Not in cyberspace.

We had a staff meeting last night to meet the new Big Boss (my supervisor's supervisor's supervisor, I think). He led us through a series of team-building excercises that didn't really work, and then the meeting degenerated once we got the idea that he wanted us to treat our customers like "friends."

It was another sort of meeting where it felt like the CSRs weren't being listened to (I mostly kept my mouth shut), and/or were having their words twisted. I get the really strong feeling that despite the new boss' constant assertions that there "are no wrong answers," that he had a specific direction in mind, and (not willfully, I'm sure) us peons were acting like a bunch of cats ready for herding.

So, all in all, the meeting built up my love for my co-workers and anger/seperation from the Powers That Be.

So, in conclusion, last night I was hit with a sudden wave of utter sadness that I was actually tearing up. But then I remembered that I have Labour day (sept 1st) off, and everyone knows what that means.

Yep, I get to watch the all-day marathon of "V" on our science fiction station. Yay!


The Magus

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