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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-08-12 - 10:09 p.m.

It has come to my attention that I may actually be a little bit depressed. For those of you who've read the last entry, this may not be as much of a surprise as it was for me.

There's a lot of things that I should be doing, things like calling friends and/or at least writing them some emails, having sex, getting out into the sunshine, trying to get a decent day's sleep...these are things that I know will probably help, but I can't really bring myself to do them.

Instead, I'm doing the things I can't get out of, like work. And more work. There's a bunch of Indymedia stuff that I'm doing this week, but I keep feeling like I'm way over my head with that stuff.

To paraphrase some old wise man, "Sigh."

I'm going to blame my feelings, this week anyway, on a few factors: lack of sleep, monotony at work, weird vibes I'm getting at home (Pookie? Wassup?), and the general uncertainty I'm feeling because I haven't registered for my fall classes yet, I'm not even sure if we'll have the cash to take both courses that I want to take, and by the time we do have the cash, I'm harbouring the suspicion that the classes will be full.

Hopefully by Saturday I'll be feeling better...if not, well, I'm a trooper (not of the Starship variety).


The Magus

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