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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Painful employment

2003-08-11 - 5:38 a.m.

The key to staying employed, it seems to me, is to find ways to avoid thinking about how ultimately useless the work you do is, how mind-numbingly stiltifying it is to press the same 9 buttons over and over and over again so that a person whose office is 20 feet away from you can make many, many, many times more money than you are, how the air conditioning (in the summer) and the heat (in the winter) stop when you start your shift and start again when your shift is over.

The key to staying employed is to forget that your job sucks, to turn off your brain for 8 hour chunks of time, and pretend that you aren't a human being.

Can anyone else tell I'm having a bad time at work?


The Magus

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