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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

I'm Just Hard of Thinking

2003-08-06 - 1:40 p.m.

Another example of how my mind works:

I was listening to CBC Radio, their Ontario call-in show, and the subject today was "Sound" and how it can enrich and detract from our lives. There were some really interesting insights, some talk about noise pollution (apparently, one third of youth entering the work force are already showing measureable damage to their hearing), but also soothing sounds, the effects different sounds have on us, etc.

About halfway through, I furrowed my brow, and thought: "Gee, I bet deaf people wouldn't get much out of this particular topic."

It was a full load of dishes later that I remembered that most deaf people wouldn't be listening to the radio anyway.


The Magus

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