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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Busy Bee

2003-08-03 - 4:11 a.m.

Had an icky anxiety-ridden walk to work tonight, beginning with getting hit by a bicycle, and concluding with walking through Saturday-night crowds.

I hate coming to work on the weekends.

In addition, I've been having a couple of days where the only person I've communicated with was Pookie. I've been hibernating.

Part of it is because I'm afraid that I may have bitten off more than I can chew. I'm taking on a few responsibilities with the IMC, some of which (the print version) are really, really big - getting a daily, weekly, or monthly print thing ("thing?" Gah!) is going to be the largest project I've ever been involved with. I'm also volunteering with a few smaller IMC things (that word again. I'm resigned to it. Sigh.), trying to build a website (which, when it's all beautiful I'll link to it, although most folks who read the-magus will likely not be interested), and editing someone's thesis...

It's good to be busy, and to have responsibilities, but I'm a little worried that I may have taken on too much, too soon.

But, really, I think I'm just worried for the sake of worrying. Just that anxiety stuff, realizing that I'm probably going to be meeting a lot of new people in the next few weeks, and worrying about the socially inept hijinx that will ensue.

I need to remind myself of the good things that will happen because of what I'm doing. I'm working towards certain social justice goals, both personal and global, I'm meeting new people (networking, as they say), I'm building some cred as an editor, which will be priceless down the road when I'm looking to build a career...

So, it's good that my heart is palpitating and I want to hide under the covers for a few weeks. Sigh.

I'll quit with the whining now, I swear.

...'till next time.


The Magus

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