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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Summer is my favourite season

2003-07-31 - 5:15 a.m.

I've been having some really great conversations with my co-workers the last couple of weeks. It's as if everyone has suddenly become wise and knowing, and that they can barely keep from dispensing all this great knowledge, for free.

That is one of the greatest things about where I work, how the people I have daily contact with are so wonderful and smart, and creative, and a bunch of other things.

This summer, with a few possible glitches, has been great.

In other news, I've started my first "real" editing job, Pookie's friend's thesis, on the religious implications of The Matrix, no less. I'm mildly relieved that I've been able to find some errors in it, because even if she was a perfect grammarian and spellarian, I'd still worry myself to sleep wondering if I missed that extra comma.

In september, I'm going to join an editors' association. I'm movin' on up, I guess.


The Magus

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