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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Random Entry of Randomness.

2003-07-03 - 2:32 p.m.

WAAAAAaaaaaa! I don't wanna go to school tonight, dangit!

But I have to, because our last assignment is due, and because it is the last class where we will be learning things, for next week is the final exam, and the week after that we're having a guest speaker in to talk about random things in the editing world.

I figured out, because I got a 100% on our last quiz, that I currently have 49/50 for my marks so far. Not counting class participation (which I'm expecting a 7 or 8 out of 10, mainly because I talk a lot when a certain classmate is present). So, technically, I can just skip everything for the next few weeks, and probably still pass. This realisation isn't helping my not wanting to go to school.

Pookie's making me, though.

Hm. This is also a completely useless entry except for my talking about my grades. I will announce that I am feeling a great love for everyone and everything welling up inside of me, if that interests you.

Oh, and I think that maybe later I will change the "older" and "newest" and other tags on my website to something more of my choosing. We shall see.


The Magus

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