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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-07-03 - 12:13 p.m.

So I didn't die of sunstroke or anything. I did catch a cold that I'm still trying to shake off.

I also am trying to teach myself html, and that's going fine. I'm making a webpage that probably wouldn't interest many of my the-magus readers, mainly because it involves roleplaying (of the Dungeons and Dragons type, not the "Ooo whip me harder, ice cream delivery man!" type), and I don't really get a roleplaying-y vibe from the people who have signed my guestbook.

The only problem, that I can see, with html and web-designing is that it seems to require at least a modicum of artistic ability. Because I am not so much skilled in the visual arts, I find myself fearing that I will be the proud owner of a self-made website containing only bad clip-art that I got for free.

Oh well, at least I'll have some basic skill that I can use if my editing doesn't pan out. I mean, how much education does it take to work in IT anyway?


The Magus

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