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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Some dreams

2003-07-04 - 3:46 a.m.

Woke up, half literate, less than half conscious...why?

'Cause of an old dream.

Feels really silly right now, but most old dreams do...

The old dream is me, and a tall apartment building, except the apartment building has no walls. The dream usually engages just the one floor, with great height above me and great depth below me, although the concern is always the floor right there, right with me. A floor with no walls. I kinda float outside.

I don't think of myself as a "recurring dream" kind of person, but this dream, or rather concept (I had a werewolf dream when I was in high school that involved a building (a mall) where I had to run inside and outside...very confused, I guess...same type of theme, though) has appeared a few times. Not lately, though.

Until tonight.

The theme tends to happen when I'm seriously questioning my spirituality (says the awakened theorist). The anxiety is never that I'm a billion stories too high, or too low...the anxiety (such as it is...tonight it was a detached kind of dream) is from the building having no walls.

Anywhoo...I'm now fully awake and tired, so off to sleep I go. I just needed to write this down. I think that this is a magus first. Odd, 'cause I dream quite a bit.


The Magus

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