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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

A letter or two.

2003-06-16 - 2:40 a.m.

Blind Merv: The pics you sent me have reached me (the cat with the glasses and me with the evil-y crooked cross), but they take up about a billion gigabytes (or whatever) of my pitiful yahoo account. So much so that I'm not actually able to send a reply email to you right now. I received them, but if there are more, wait until I give you the signal. (The signal will be something in blue. Or red. No, just blue. Wait! Red or orange-y blue.)

Everyone else: you are about to see (eventually) a picture of the anti-lit demon cat looking as the anti-lit demon cat has never looked before.

As an added bonus, I will describe to you the return of Construction Zone Warren, who has mysteriously, yet unavoidably, become a part of my life once again.


The Magus

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