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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-05-29 - 8:22 a.m.

A few things: first, there are only 80-90 people in Toronto who actually -have- SARS, and (I think now) 6000 people in quarantine. In a city of 3 million, that's about 0.003% of the population who are sick, and only 0.2% who are in quarantine. All of those people are health care professionals (except for one school) or the family of health care professionals. Right -now-, coming to Toronto is pretty much as safe as it's always been. Maybe in a month or so, SARS will be busy wiping out half of this city's population, but for the moment, you Magus groupies can relax: I'm safe. Also, I'm in one of the better demographics for fighting off SARS, so there.

In a related story, this has me fascinated in a morbid way. I wrote, almost a year ago, how I had this fascination with plague, and that is still there, beneath the more seasoned concern for the real, actual people who are suffering. If there is a plague that wipes almost everyone out, but leaves me alive, does that mean I can bring into practice the ideas of Participatory Economics? Can I forge a new world order wherein gays can get married? Will I die from gangrene after stubbing a toe and getting a hangnail? Oo...exciting.

Also, I am so very, very exited because my bestest friend ever is coming to visit, and she arrives tonight.

This exitement is good, because it's important to have happy events to look forward to. It's bad, because I have a midterm in about 10 hours that I haven't even studied for. I did well on tests in high school and some of university, so I've got my fingers crossed that this will be the case this time.


The Magus

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