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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Things I Won't Say

2003-05-28 - 8:14 a.m.

I have some other stuff to write, including Google being nominated for the "Big Brother Award" for, among other things: removing Indymedia from its news index, collecting vast amounts of data on its users but giving no reason why, being unaccountable to anyone, hiring at least one person from the US government's National Security Agency...and a bunch of other stuff, which can be found on Indymedia, specifically here.

I also had something about George W., and how if he was anyone else, the media might be all over his staff resigning left and right.

I think I may have had something to say about Iran or Iraq or Afganistan or something.

But the fact is, I'm tired, and so I am now going home and likely won't write about any of these things. Sorry.


The Magus

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