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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Unexpected Insight

2003-05-29 - 8:28 p.m.

So, you know that low self-esteem thing, and that anxiety that everyone is going to realize that I'm actually stupid and shouldn't even be in that editing course because I'm a loser?

I'm cured.

I got a 100% on the assignment, and the comment "insightful." I am insightful, especially into how bias is used in two specific articles. That's me, the insightful Magus. The insightful, 100% perfect Magus.

Nothing can bring me down (except for the slowly creeping fear that I completely misunderstood every question on the exam we had today, and that the fact that I finished first is probably a sign that my answers were incomplete and that soon the teacher will be muttering "Gee, I thought that the Magus was insightful, how could I have been so blind?" - Yes, I am one of "those" students, the ones who act so surprised whenever they get a good mark, even though everyone who is -not- them isn't surprised at all. Sigh.)

This will likely be my last entry for the weekend, since I'll be entertaining my bestest buddy, and next week there may be less of the insightful guy you've come to love since I'm quite possibly going home to Halifax for a week. I'll try to keep you posted, but you know how family visits can be.

But hey, at least I'm leaving you on a very insightful high note!


The Magus

PS - There have been a ton of really nice guestbook signings lately, and I really appreciate them. I like smiling, being as insightful as I am.

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