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Tenacious D Rocks.

Seeing the Forster and the Trees.

2003-05-16 - 10:20 a.m.

I -finally- changed my spelling for E.M. Forster in my profile, so that it is spelled right. I think I'll miss the connection with the two (or so) people who had also spelled it Forrester, but the correct spelling of someone's name is something we all need to come to on our individual terms. I'm just glad I made it.

I had tossed the idea of saying, in the comments field, that I was Mr. Forster's "Fanboy," since that's what I've been lately, but I re-read what was already there, and I can't change it. That describes his writing (for me) pretty succinctly.

A Passage to India is one of the most beautiful books I've read in a while. That may be because I'm a sap, but it may also be because it is good. I am experiencing actual joy during the reading process while engulfed in that book. I'm only a third of the way through (I dare say that I am savouring it), and I strongly suspect that this book will pull tears from me before I'm through. I think that it's a good thing that I've read some of his other stuff before this one, if only to know that, yes, this is what his writing is like.

If you have not yet read an E.M. Forster book, read one NOW.


I had a whole thing about how I still love Dostoevsky, and about how Forster is so easy to read while Dostoevsky requires effort, but that the D-man (I mean, how many times do you expect me to type Dostoevsky?) pays off. But comparing the two authors is like comparing the best apple you've ever had and the best restaraunt you've ever eaten's comparing two types of excellence.

Man, I so completely love books. I'm a book fanboy. I am also a geek.


The Magus

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