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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-05-14 - 6:44 a.m.

I've been irrationally angry lately. Not at anything in particular...or, rather, everything in particular. Examples: the X-Men movie, Pookie, Buffy the Vampire Slayer's crappiness, work, myself, school, fatigue, the cat, stupid customers...tonight, I was just coming into work and felt like my co-worker was mad at me, and I was about 30-more-seconds-of-his-"attitude" away from telling him off, until I realized he wasn't mad at me, he was mad at the other co-worker.

It's like every tiny irritation is bugging me more than it should, and I have no idea what's causing it, or how to stop it. I really shouldn't be throwing these temper tantrums all the time. I'm a really angry man and it's pissing me off.

I think I need some social time. I do work, gym, and sleep, and now school, and that's it. Any "fun" time is exclusively with Pookie, either at home (drinking) or in a bar (drinking) but never with anyone else or doing anything other than drinking.

We had a call from those pseudo-friends from a year or so back, the ones who are on the fast-track to affluence who don't call us back for months, and who we end up not calling back for months...they invited us to a party. I kinda wanted to go, but Pookie didn't. Since I don't really care about -them-, I was okay with that, until afterwards. I think I need things like, -desperately- need things like that. Pookie (though he won't often admit it) has friends here. Classmates and professors that he's grown close to will invite him out for lunch. He has someone other than me to talk with on a social level about every other week. I have him and my co-workers.

My best friend of ten years (it's been ten Ms. Merv!) is allegedly coming to visit at the end of May. We're going to spend a weekend together...I can't wait. I have never needed "society" more in my entire life.

I just hope that's the reason why I fly into a rage whenever a pin drops, mostly because other possibilities include a tumour or psychosis.


The Magus

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