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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-04-24 - 9:37 a.m.

It has come to my attention that the media about the SARS epidemic in Toronto in some nations has been somewhat slanted. It seems that some people are seeing images of us wearing face masks and baracading ourselves indoors, painting black Xs on doors, chanting "unclean! unclean" and "bring out your dead!" in the streets, etc.

Truth be told, and this is one-hundred percent true, most of us aren't too, too concerned about SARS, and nor should we be. Even the CDC from Atlanta says that the way Ontario Health has been handling the outbreak has been exemplary, and other nations have started to model the way they are dealing with this crisis on Toronto's methods.

At this moment, there are 267 suspected or probable cases in Toronto, all of whom are in quarantine. There are a few thousand people without any symptoms who are under quarantine as well, just as a precaution. In a city of millions, a few hundred cases is not an alarm.

At this moment, I would rate your chances of catching SARS in this city as slightly less than convincing George W. that God doesn't actually support any particular nation over another.

In the nature of plague, of course, things may change, however at the moment you may all rest assured that The Magus is about three people removed (at minimum) from getting SARS, meaning I would start to worry if the number of cases increases to a few thousand or so.

Just letting y'all know.


The Magus

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