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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Um...bleh. Or, if that's not enough: mleh!

2003-04-25 - 1:08 a.m.

I should let it be known that I have, apparently, no concern whatsoever about SARS. I know I've devoted more than one entry for it, but I think that that's coming out of a rejection of the fear that I'm supposed to feel.

And I do believe that it's time to end the entry when "feel" looks like it's spelt wrong.

Damn class.


The Magus

PS: I so totally "Ruled the School" tonight. Who's the teacher's pet? It's me, it's me! Who's the teacher's pet? It's me! It's me! Yeah!

PPS: I am a little concerned that I have no practical understanding of grammar, and that, as an editing student, this may at some point bite me in the ass. My strategy is to be so "participation-y" for the easy questions that when this class gets hard, the teacher will think I've already answered enough and will ask someone else.

PPPS: I'm so used to calling educators "Professors" that saying "teacher" makes me feel like I'm in grade school. Hee!

PPPPS: I am so completely self-doubting my ability to navigate the seas of Words That Have Some Double Consonants And Some Single Consonants So They Always Seem Wrong. For this entry, and this entry only, I will take any and all corrections on spelling.

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