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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Customer Service

2003-04-23 - 6:23 a.m.

And on the customer service front, why in the world would someone call me just to ask me the exact same question they asked me five minutes ago?

Do they think that, within five minutes of their "Can I bill it to my cellphone?" question that things would have changed?

And why, when I asked if they were the same person I was talking to earlier, did they say "Um, I don't know?" Are they brain dead?

I have had some pretty stupid moments of my own, I'll be honest with you. I've written emails to services to complain about things they don't even have, and I've phoned at least one cable internet service provider CSR because I was a and was having problems with my connection, but I don't think I've ever attempted to insult a CSR's intelligence.

Capitalism breeds contempt, I'm telling ya.


The Magus

PS - For slightly more positivity, read the last entry. Or don't. It's rambly and has a long title. I wrote something nice about Pookie two entries ago, so maybe you'll want to read that one instead...that one's really short. You'll like it.

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