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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Nowhere land

2003-04-22 - 6:29 a.m.

Another work shift with no time to work on my stuff.

I'm really tired.

I'm going to go home, probably, instead of the gym. Two weeks ago, I went to the gym 3 days out of my intended 4. Last week, I went only two. If I skip the gym today I can make it 2 days maximum.

I spend my "weekends" like this: day 1 - try to adjust to living during the day.

day 2 - continue adjusting to living during the day.

day 3 - get ready to live during the night.

I've written 700 words of fiction so far this month.

I've been pretty darn unpleasant to live with.

This job has taken so much out of me, and I think I really am at the point where I have to leave it, or start considering leaving it.

Aside from taking this editing course, I haven't been developing as a human being. I spend my time trying to make ends meet, not growing, not changing, not moving towards where I want to be in life.

I have goals, and right now my job is meeting none of them. The two attempts I made to change my work situation failed - I don't have a future here. Work is a paycheque and a drain on my other resources.

I hope Pookie gets his job. I moved to Toronto to avoid working at a job that saps my energy and gets me nowhere.

I need a change.


The Magus

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