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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-04-19 - 12:11 p.m.

We are in a strange, large house with giant windows dog-sitting for people I barely even know. The dog is nice, the house is nice, the "vacation" is why did I sleep as if the world was about to crumble last night? Why am I so anxious all of a sudden (well, to you folks it may seem to be a continuation of anxiousness (er...anxiety), but it feels like this is a new batch).

In other news, I went to school, yay!

I'm taking the first course in an editing certificate, and it looks like this might actually be fun. The only snag is that we're going to be doing a lot of partner and group work (because, apparently, editors need to have good people skills and need to be able to work with other people) which means that every class I'm going to be instantly teleported back to junior high whenever the teacher says "Okay, everyone, find a partner!"

And I'm going to look around, silently seding out signals of my desperation, thinking "Pick me! Pick me!", not realizing that I have the ability to "pick" too.

The class seems like it will be interesting enough to make those tiny agonies worth it, but I still wish it was one of those classes where I would get to sit at the back of the class, scribbling notes and doodles, writing tests, and only being more than a shadowy lump when I hand in assignments.


The Magus

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