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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

On Topic

2003-04-14 - 12:29 a.m.

On the War:

It may not be over. Can it be that even I was hoodwinked by the media into believing that we were entering the last stages of the war? Fighting continues, but now that most major news outlets are saying it's over, they've decided to move on to other news stories, which must be good for the military, right?

On George Jr: How dare you cancel your trip?!? Don't you know that I was looking forward to another protest pilgrimage to Ottawa next month? This is an important part of my personal development, you know, and now it's all ruined. Look, here's the deal: I won't raise as much a stink if you attack Syria so long as you give me a chance to shout at you at close range, okay?

On the Weekend: Pookie and I bickered through most of it. We're having relationship issues, though I think we've both agreed to let the past lie in the past. This works for me, since I think the cause of the weekends strife rests solely on my shoulders (I was really grumpy Thursday and took it out on him). We were also sober, which was a nice change of pace.

On Lent: Now that it's over, I've figured out that I gave up having money as my Lenten sacrifice.

On Money: Pookie has a chance to apply for a job that would triple our household income (it'd double it if I decided to quit my job if he gets his).

On School: It starts Thursday for me.

On Anxiety: I am trying really hard to pretend that school does not mean a classroom full of unfamiliar faces, challenges, and my erstwhile agorophobia. My efforts have met with limitted success and I currently feel under a low level of constant stress, which is interfering with my ability to process day-to-day activities, such as breathing.

On Breathing: I caught my first whiff of "Green" for the smelled like clover. Spring is here, and I think we may have finally shaken that Old Man Winter.

On Dogs: We are house sitting for one of Pookie's friends next weekend. They are rich, and so we shall live like kings for two Easter days.

On Cats: We need someone to watch the Anti-Lit Demon Cat because we completely forgot about him when we agreed to dog sit.

On Work: I have to do some now, and so I shall end this gimmick-y entry.


The Magus

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