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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-04-10 - 6:33 a.m.

So, the news headlines today will be akin to victory, Iraqis who worried about Hussein's retribution should they speak out against him are now coming out in droves, cheering the US, scorning France and Germany. US soldiers are posing for photo ops and families are hoping to be reunited.

Halliburton, Cheney's old company, has been awarded heafty contracts to help rebuild. The US is positioning handpicked people to run Iraq while saying that the UN, for sitting out of the war, doesn't necessarily deserve to have a voice in who those people are. Kyoto, the ABM, the world court initiative are all abandoned by Bush Jr.'s government. And if you take the money that was spent on this war, you could have fed all the hungry people in Africa or taken a huge chunk out of third world debt (this is assuming the 55 million dollar cost per hour of waging this war).

If the war is truly won, it isn't going to be a pleasant time to be a peace activist for the next few weeks.


The Magus

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