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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-03-21 - 12:25 p.m.

I don't pray often, but while the bombs are falling, I'm sure I can make an exception. A few points: I was raised in a Christian denomination (albiet one of the most liberal denominations you'll see today), I tend to believe in an all-loving and all-forgiving diety, and when I pray heart-feltedly, I -do- pray to a male-identified god. I'm working on making Him a neuter. Here is a version of what I pray...

Dear God,

Please be with those who need you the most.

Be with those who are in pain, who are hungry, and who are afraid.

Be with everyone who asks for you, and be with those who don't.

Help everyone who needs you today, in whatever form you take. I don't care whether you're an omnipotent One God or a moment of peace between bombings...just give peace and solace to those who need you most.


PS: I know that I don't necessarily believe in you, but other people do, and it's so important that you help these people. If you don't, I'm turning into a Quaker, and there's nothing you can do to stop me. Aside from lightning.

That's the end of the prayer. Whether you're for the war or against it, take a moment to think of the people - real people - who may die in the next few minutes. Everyone has a story.

Everyone has a story.

Everyone has a story.


The Magus

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