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Tenacious D Rocks.

Oil vs Civilians

2003-03-21 - 6:18 a.m.

My favourite question asked in the war coverage by CBC radio: Why the protection of the oil fields was a primary concern, whereas protecting Iraqi civilians was a secondary concern.

Now, obviously we need to protect the oil fields. They are integral to rebuilding a war-ravaged Iraq. I mean, that's why all those other non-oil-rich countries, after war, have had to take years and decades to recover.

Should the unfortunate event happen that all the Iraqis are killed, we can -always- import new people in (surely someone from India or China could use the elbow room), but it's obvious that oil wells are irreplaceable.


The Magus

(PS: Go buy a Dixie Chicks cd. They aren't all that bad.)

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