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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Some Transcripts, mostly opinion.

2003-03-21 - 1:15 p.m.

"There is no safe place in Baghdad anymore."

A reporter just said that. She's in a building...the anchor asked if she was safe.

I remember writing in my journal during the first Gulf War. It feels like no time has past. It feels like no time has past.

No one's reading these as I type it, and I have no idea why I'm writing, except that I...I'm reaching out. I'm trying to reach out.

"The targets are everywhere. They are schools, they are...they are residential buildings...the targets are everywhere..."

"Tens of kilometres."

There was a brief sound of a dial-tone after the sound of explosions, and they lost connection.

And now for more analysis of the US fire-power.

The Magus

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