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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Light of Day

2003-03-22 - 7:56 a.m.

I don't believe I posted this in my semi-hysterical (semi? Ha!) postings and rantings yesterday - keep in mind that I've a) had a rough week, and b) had not yet been to sleep after working - but I did mean to mention that there are protests going on today for anyone who cares to go. Chances are, there's even one in your city or town.

I believe, internationally, there's a push to have the protests today at 1pm, local time, which, I guess, for one or two of you. It's probably yesterday for others of you. Oops.

Anyway, the war's in its earliest days right now, and the numbers that these protests have been getting are unprecedented - most anti-anything movements often take weeks, months, or years to fully develop. In a world where an unelected president has chosen to go to war against another unelected leader, against the wishes of a vote by security council members, on a planet where no one who isn't a member of government has been asked what -they- want to do, it's most important that people voice their opinions in ways that they are able.


The Magus

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