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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Spelling 'B'

2003-03-12 - 5:25 a.m.

I'm tired on account of not having slept all that well.

On occassion, this would be cause for several nonsensical entries that are more to amuse myself than to entertain any would-be readers.

On other occassions...okay, is that how you spell occassions? Because it is just looking screwed up to me. Hold on while I check Except, seems to be offline at the moment.

I -think- that's how it's spelled, but I have no idea, and already I can feel my editor-future-dreams crushing my creativity into a teensy, tiny little stone that I will use to hurl at people who misuse apostrophes.

I can spell apostrophes, but I can't spell occassions, or editor, or half a dozen other words.

God, I am so tired.

Is 'tired' spelled (spelt? Gah!) right?


The Magus

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