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101 Things About The Magus That You Thought You Might Want To Know But On Second Thought That Was Just Indigestion

2003-03-12 - 5:33 a.m.

Judging by my last entry, perhaps it is time to do a "101 Things About The Magus That You Thought You Might Want To Know But On Second Thought That Was Just Indigestion" list.

1) I was born in 1977.

2)In June.

3)Yes, just a few months after Star Wars came out. My mom saved a newspaper story about Star Wars that came out the same day as my birthday, for some reason.

4)I'm a cancer.

5) Which means that whenever someone asks my sign (and sometimes when they don't) I always say, "I'm a cancer. I grow on people."

6) I am aware that that joke may be in bad taste.

7)I have a brother, and a younger sister.

8)I'm already having trouble with this list.

9)I like to read, and I think I've always liked to read.

10)According to Mom, the first book I ever read by myself, at age 3, was Go Dog, Go.

11) If that picture works, I will be so impressed with myself.

12)I have more than 5 favourite movies. Some of the ones you can't find on my profile are Rocky Horror Picture Show, Alien, Adventures in Babysitting, Run, Lola, Run, and Pride and Prejudice.

13) I have a rotating list of "The Five Hottest Men Ever" which almost never has five men in it. Currently, in no particular order, they are Colin Firth, Sean Astin, Fred Durst (don't ask), Tim Robbins, and some other guy out there who I can't think of, so I'll say Pookie.

14) I'm male, so I guess that makes me gay.

15) Which is one of those things that doesn't make a big difference until it does.

16) I'm so out, I haven't seen my closet in years.

17) Consequently, my bedroom is always a mess, due to clothes on the floor.

18)I'm currently dating a guy named Pookie.

19) We've been together for over 4 years as of 2003. I'm going to be with him the rest of his life.


21) We own a cat that likes to eat books.

22) I sometimes care for poinsettas at work, even though that's not my job.

23) I have never used this many pictures in an entry before. God I hope they work.

24) This is a lot harder than I thought it would be.

25) I work midnight shifts

26) So I hardly ever see the sun.

27) Which means that colours are sometimes a novelty to me.

28) And I get tired quite often.

29)And I am so stretching this out.

30) I like science fiction and fantasy.

31)I plan to be a writer. Or an editor. Or something with words.

32)My mom was a reporter, so I might do that, too.

33)My dad flies helicopters, and so I have been in helicopters many times.

34)My parents are divorced, and I always thought it didn't affect me, but maybe it has, which bugs me, because imagine how messed up I might have been if they had stayed together.

35)I'm an agnostic, more for something to do than for any religious principals.

36)I'm anti-war and pro-socialism.

37)I turn into an activist when the moon is full and the wolfsbane is in bloom.

38)I am Canadian.

39)I do drink beer.

40)And a lot of other fluids.

41)I think this might be a two-parter.

42)I had a dog named Sugar. She died a few years ago on Halowe'en.

43)We buried her in the backyard, and our neighbours probably thought we were psychos.

44)I have brown hair, a beard, and glasses.

45)I spend a lot of time worried that people don't see me in a good light.

46)I wonder what first impression I most often give.

47)I don't like people, even though they're good in theory.

48) A lot of this stuff is really just a rehash of the last 500 entries or so.

49)I use the TAB button to start new paragraphs when I'm writing fiction.

50)I am almost halfway through.

51)I think I'm overall happy with who I'm going to be when I grow up.

52)I get scared a lot, though.

53)My brother is two years younger than me.

54)He's an artist.

55)And he's alright.

56)I think I just said three things about someone else. Is that cheating?

57)My favourite colour is yellow.

58)My favourite number is 2.

59)I want to have two, maybe three kids one day.

60)I like history.

61)I like the woods.

62)My favourite season is the summer.

63)My birthday use to fall on the last day of school, so I considered summer vacation to be my present. Now it usually falls on Gay Pride Day, so I've claimed that as my present.

64)I get lonely a lot.

65)I can't draw very well.

66)I sing very poorly, but I do it in the shower, so it's okay.

67)I had a lot of lego as a kid.

68)I'm over a third finished this. Yay!

69) I'm doing better than tet did. Ha ha!

70)I like the Simpsons, but I like the early years better than the stuff they do now.

71)Same for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Seasons 1-4 rocked!

72)A lot of the television that I currently enjoy was made before 1995.

73)I'm a bit of a curmudgeon.

74)Actually, I'm a lot of a curmudgeon.

75)But I don't mind it. Much.

76)I'm 6', and around 250 pounds.

77)I quit smoking and haven't started again.

78)I started going to the gym and haven't quit again.

79)My best friend lives in North Bay right now and I miss her.

80)I plan on going to my high school reunion.

81)I think I just want to go so I can be the gay one and make out in front of all the conservative kids.

82)That's not true.

83)I think I -really- want to go because I watched too many 1980s sitcoms.

84) I know the words to the Bippy Bopka (Bibby Bobka?) Diddy.

85)I'll sing them for you. I have no shame.

86)I am writing the 86th thing about me right now.

87)I am now writing the 87th.

88)This excercise has made me think about myself in weird and interesting ways. I also need to come up with something that allows for an accompanying picture, because it's been a while. Damn...the second half of this one could have been 89.

89) This is 89.

90)That wasn't about me, and now I'm getting silly.

91)I have a tendency to get silly.

92)My favourite letter to write in cursive is lower-case "f". I used to write it over and over again.

93)I used to also write binary numbers, counting as high as possible.

94)I got bored in school sometimes.

95)I have, they say, an IQ of around 135-140.

96)I was a member of Mensa, when I was younger.

97)Mensa did nothing for me as a developing person.

98)I don't find "monkey" to be a funny word. Certainly not as funny a word as "Hijynx"

99)I like to sing the theme song for Camp Cariboo at random moments.

100)I like even numbers more than I like odd numbers.

101)There really aren't enough spaces in this list.

There. That should keep you folks happy.


The Magus

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