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Tenacious D Rocks.

Perfunctory Entry #10

2003-03-05 - 6:04 a.m.

We went to church on Sunday, and that was fun. Man, I'm a lousy agnostic. Ah well.

This strange dry-spell in my writing continues, so a few points:

There is a new, dying poinsetta at work, and whoever was watering the old poinsetta has become less reliable, so I have found myself once again caring for the adopted plant (now plants), plus some fern that I think gets neglected because it isn't a poinsetta. Plantism sucks.

Eli has a job interview tomorrow, not that it matters since he's leaving next week, jobless or not jobless. 8 weeks is more than generous. Plus Pookie is losing his mind, and I have to sleep with him.

I started my very own diary-ring, there at the bottom of the page. It's for the National Novel Writing Year, which is something I suggest any aspiring novelists check out. You can find the site here. Hm. I should probably put that link in the ring's description.

In related news, my novel is an absolute mess. It's wretched. I hate it and I want it to die. I'm really sorry that I inflicted it on some people, and I know it's really awful, and you don't need to avoid telling me that. I can sense it, that that's why neither ofv you (you know who you are!) have even mentioned it to me lately. I'd scrap it completely if I had any common sense. Why did I think I could write a gay pulp-fiction-y mystery novel? Why? It's supposed to be finished this month. I may be halfway done.

I hope that satisfies the writer's angst portion of this entry.

Um...I guess that's it, aside from being a complete idiot lately. I will be nicer to myself tomorrow.


The Magus

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