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Bounce Back

2003-03-06 - 12:54 a.m.

Walking to work today, some inspiration hit, and not just for the craptastic gay pulp fictiony murder mystery of crap novel, but also for the I'll-pin-my-hopes-to-this-next-idea novel that I'll be working on this spring. That one will be like if EM Forrester wrote a novel about gay people.

Um...except it won't be "Maurice."

Anyway, it was foolish to panic over the craptastic gay pulp fictiony murder mystery of crap novel, because it's -supposed- to be not good. I'm doing this nanowriye thing for fun, and to develop a good routine for writing. I need to treat it the same way that I treated going to the gym: the results don't matter at this point, just the fact that I'm doing it.

In other Holy-Mood-Swing-Batman News, I'm reminding myself that the last 7 weeks have hardly been great for Eli, either. It's tough looking for work, especially given that the interview process we have means that you basically get rejected, over and over again. Sort of like trying to get published. There aren't very strong support systems in place for someone looking for work, and while I get frustrated that he's given up job opportuinities because they aren't good enough for him, I ought to remember that each place that doesn't call him back is delivering a blow to his ego.

Still, it will be nice to have the house back to ourselves after next week.

Anywhoo, with my writers' block demolished for the moment, I really shouldn't be wasting words on diaryland. Time to go back to the trenches.


The Magus

PS: Perhaps I was too hard on my proofreaders...especially considering they're both about to read something that has a disappearing dog, that decides it doesn't need any more than three chapters, and so stops demarcating them, and which has pointless scene after pointless scene. They'll suffer enough, I think.

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