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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Perfunctory Entry # 9

2003-03-02 - 5:32 a.m.

Sorry for the lack of entries. I've been the kind of busy-that-is-not-busy. You know, where you find yourself running around, or doing things, or even just doing the -same- things and feeling like you have no time left at the end?

That kind of busy.

Also, 2003 is looking to be a craptastic year all around so far. One of Pookie's closest friends - we'll call him Luc - has lost his business to a fire this week. He also got dumped by his girlfriend about two weeks before the building that was his livelihood burned to the ground. Pookie's been trying to get ahold of him, but I don't think there's been much luck.

Eli is jobless, still. It's been more than 6 weeks.

Work is meaningless. I mean, really, am I better person for all this?

In general, I'm feeling okay, except at the moment, my writing is stalled...and I'm feeling like I need to get that on track. I think that I need to start seeing signs of progress in my life again, and there's nothing like a stack of badly written-on paper to do that.

But work has been busier than usual, and it's been easier for me to sit, staring into space, than it has been to actually do things.

I'll write more when I have something to say.


The Magus

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