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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2003-02-19 - 5:26 a.m.

The last night before I'm back at work.

I can't sleep.

Pookie is away at some conference (same city, but they're paying for the hotel, so he's living in luxury), but Eli hasn't left the house in a week. Now, I know that Pookie has a job, -I- have a job, Eli...?

Unfortunately, I am taking the position of absolute non-confrontation. He'll be gone soon, right? Why risk a friendship over the fact that he's more of a sloth than I am (even when I'm on official "vacation")?

Anyway, I've now, over the past two days, watched/seen ALL of the extras on the dvds for Aliens, Rocky Horror Picture Show (25th anniversary edition), 12 Monkeys, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. This includes the "Making Of..." documentaries included, AND the photo collections/montages. I have done this mainly because the dvd player is in the bedroom, the bedroom has a door, and Eli cannot pass through matter (not that he ever gets off the couch that he sleeps on. Really: the last 48 hours, I've only seen him off the couch for food, bathroom duties, and beer. He says he went jogging today, but I was gone.)

Okay, I'm tired of whining. I actually had a good day today, when I was out of the house. As I mentioned, Pookie's in a hotel, so after I went to the gym, I met up with him and he smuggled me into the hotel's swimming pool.

I always forget how much I love to swim. I love how my body moves in water, even though I'm much more clumsy than I would have been ten years ago when I was almost on some swim team thing. I swam back and forth, held my breath underwater, tried out what remains of my strokes while Pookie talked with someone who's at the same conference he is at.

My eyes still sting from chlorine, and my muscles feel tired and used, but it's all in a good way.

I have to be at work in less than 19 hours.

Monday, I bet Pookie that Eli wouldn't leave the house. I'm wondering if my bet will hold for 3 days in a row.

Go Away, Evil Eli!


The Magus

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