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Random Magey Goodness

I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Happy now!

2003-02-17 - 3:20 p.m.

The moment of tears was simply a biproduct of too much drink and a bout of sudden melancholy.

Also, the bank decided to ding me for service charges of over $35, when I had had a $20 cushion for the rent cheque. Imagine my surprise when I looked at my bank account and realized what happened!

Credit unions, here I come, maybe?

Anyway, thanks for everyone who signed my guestbook or wrote notes. I'll try to keep my own special version of manic depressiveness away from the computer when I've been drinking. But then, we all know how successful I am at that.

I've been excessively social this weekend, which is unusual for me, but I think it was good for me, too. And I'm a slightly better pool player than I would have been a year ago. Huzzah!

Pookie and I did go on a date, starting with seeing Chicago, then a nice dinner, and then dancing/playing pool, and then we came home and watched our newest addition to our dvd collection, "Auntie Mame." I kept confusing it with Gypsy Rose until I saw it, but it's not a shabby movie, even if the kid is stereotypically annoying in that way that only kids from movies in the 50s and 60s can be.

While we were having dinner, I did start to catch myself shutting down a little: there was a group of people right next to our table, and for some reason they set off my anxiety. While we were in there, I realised, in part, why I get this anxiety. It's all about controlling my environment: other people are random factors that I have little or no control over. My home, usually, is a place that I have complete power and authority, as well as knowledge of how the independent beings are motivated: The anti-lit demon cat can always be counted on to lick himself extensively and to attack random paper, books, etc. Pookie can be counted on to be at school, or talking about God or something.

So, now you all know what makes me tick.

I have more to say about different stuff, but I feel like my brain has short-circuited. I still have two days of vacation, so I guess that's okay.


The Magus

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