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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

What I did today.

2003-02-15 - 6:16 p.m.

The Independent Media Centre is reporting that there were around 100,000 people protesting in Toronto.

In Rome, people are saying 2 million showed up.

Around the world, in hundreds of cities, from the hundreds to the millions of people, ranging from every economic class, ever racial, social, and religious background, every national heritage, every sort of moral and political ideology. Maybe more than 10 million people today, and all of them saying NO TO WAR.

It's breathtaking. When I emerged from the subway station at the Eaton's Centre in Toronto, the crowd completely filled the intersection, spilling across the street into the mall. Every kind of face, every shade of colour was there. Placcards and flags waved, each of them with their own take on Peace, on Bush, on War.

I am part of a movement that spans the globe, perhaps the first of it kind in history...a movement that unites so many different people for one cause.

The most amazing thing about this is that the number of people at any protest is just a fraction of the people who share the sentiment. So many people don't want this war. So many people care about each other, care about the welfare of human beings on the other side of the globe.

This was a testament to the human spirit, and it is something that we can all be proud of. Our species is capable of such love...

Whether or not our leaders decide to go to war, today was a victory. At least now, those who -do- die in war, or from suffering brought on by hunger and disease, ailments that -we- could provide cures for, all of those people are not alone. We know that those people are no longer dying in -our- names, that this is not a future that -we- want, that we expect, and hope for, and pray for, and will work for a better world.


The Magus

PS: Anyone who tried to click that link and saw that it doesn't work should be pleasantly surprised to find it works now (I hope!) I was in a hurry, or was tired, or something.

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