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Tenacious D Rocks.

Happy Saint Pink Valentine's Triangle Day!

2003-02-14 - 9:50 a.m.

Today, Pookie and I are celebrating our 4th aniversary, even though that's really February third. Which means, folks, this is the 5th Valentine's Day in a row where I've had a partner.

So, instead of boring you all with the knowledge that I now have to write 8000 words to catch up on my novel-y thing, I'm going to be looking for things that we can do tonight, to get us out of the house for a spell.

Hope everyone has a good day.

Oh, and today is also Pink Triangle Day, at least here in Canada, a day to celebrate a landmark legal victory for gay fiction and anti-censorship, sometime in the 70s or 80s (I have done no research. Taadaa!).

The Pink Triangle, some of you may know, comes from the symbol that the Nazis used to mark suspected or convicted homosexuals before they were sent off to the death camps. I -think- the number of homosexuals killed during the Holocaust was around 40,000. This time I -did- do the research, only I did it about five years ago.

I'm just a fountain of possibly erroneous information today. I think I mispelled erroneous.


The Magus

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