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Tenacious D Rocks.

Plans for the day

2003-02-12 - 10:51 a.m.

You would think that having nothing to do would get boring by the 3rd day of not leaving the house. You would be wrong.

Today, though, I may end up heading outside, just for a change.

Other things I will be doing:

Taking a look at my short story that is pretty much polished, and then I may send it out to a few places. I've never done e-submissions before, but I'm sure I can handle it.

Writing the 6000 words I need to write to be caught up on my novel. Yes, that is 1000 words more than I had to write yesterday.

Playing video games.

Doing dishes.

Having a shower, because I could not shower yesterday.

It seems that there were actually 8 sections of pipe that simultaneously exploded yesterday. By the time the second plumber gopt here, it was dark outside and everyone was back home so I didn't have to talk with him. He was a swarthy Italian or French guy. I asked Pookie what his thick, thick accent was and Pookie did not hear any accent, because I am a racist pig for noticing speech patterns and Pookie is not.

Anyway, anytime a guy is "swarthy" I get a little goosepimply, whether or not I actually fuind the guy cute.

I have a lot of procrastinating to do today, so there may be another entry or so. Something about whether or not Tony Blair has ever read "1984." I'm not even wondering whether Bush read it.


The Magus

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