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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Ramblings from a sodden head.

2003-01-06 - 5:28 a.m.

So, because the interview is today, Pookie and I drank last night. I crashed early, and then, for some reason, awoke at 3am. And now, here I am, tired but not able to sleep and stuck in that pre-hungover-post-drunk stage that is actually kind of worse than an actual hangover, simply because of its squickiness.

My drinking habits have changed since I decided to stop drinking (ha ha) in October...I tend to just go to bed a lot sooner...but I also tend to drink a little more.

This month, a friend from the fine city of Halifax is moving here to Toronto. He's going to be living with us until he finds a job, which hopefully won't take more than six weeks. He's a drinking buddy, and we have a habit of relying on each other to help us sustain our bad habits. Luckily, both of us have quit smoking...

I think this entry was meant to give a great big giant "Huh?!?" to the US on account of their recent "bring on the draft" discussions (Conscription is Fun!) seems that, should the draft be reinstated, they will scrap the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy and allow homosexuals in the military. But, they will not scrap the policy unless they reinstate the draft.

Why are homosexuals verboten in the army? Why are they less verboten during war? This whole thing gives me a headache.

And bleh, I'm tired and ought to head to sleep so that I can shine like the little star I am at the interview. Huzzah!


The Magus

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