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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Drollery doldrums

2003-01-05 - 5:24 a.m.

I'm not kidding. I have completely lost my sense of humour and whimsy. I'm not sure how whimsical I was before I lost the whimsy, but I do know that I am completely whimsiless right now.

This has me completely freaked out. I can -see- humour, I just can not weild it. I haven't told a decent bunny or antimatter or physics joke in -ages-.

But aside from that, I just look at things and go "Huh."

I -need- my humour! It isn't necessarily the best sort of humour tends toward the geeky side, sometimes the childish side, sometimes the angry and cynical side a little too much. Usually it doesn't make any sense to anyone but me...but then, that's why I kept it around!

Come back, humour and whimsy! Return foolishness, jestliness, caprice! Frivolity and jocularity to me! Amusement! Gaiety! Giddy levity, come hence!

It's really no use.

I assure you, no fun was had in the writing of this entry.


The Magus

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