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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Boring stuff, bleh.

2003-01-05 - 3:04 a.m.

I have my happy new-job interview on Monday. I'm slowly but surely transferring my anxiety into excitement, honest.

Yesterday I read up on "Game Theory," and I'm probably going to have something to say about it soon...I just need to integrate it into my world view. The jist of it is that most social interactions (businesses, market economies, parties, Survivor...) can be thought of as games, ie that people act based on strategies and the outcome of those strategies depend on the strategies of others. "The Prisoners' Dilemma" is a good example of this, wherein two criminals are seperated and are given a choice: confess or don't confess. If neither of them confess, they both go to jail on a lesser charge for a year. If one of them confesses and the other doesn't, he gets off completely free while his partner goes to jail for five years. If both of them confess, they both go to jail for ten years.

Anyway, what I'm reading is trying to extrapolate these sort of problems into real-world situations, and I think that, if you don't fall in love too much with the theories, there's a lot of good stuff. I'm thinking of working with "Co-operative game theory" and integrating that into my still-shaky knowledge of Participatory Economics...boring, eh?

In other news, I'm disappointed that the Bible guy in the guestbook didn't have the courage to include an email in his erronious (but surely well-meant) rant...I plan on conferring with Pookie and coming up with a point-by-point rebuttle. Not that he'd read it. Sigh.

Rebuttle point 1, though: I'm an agnostic. Case closed.


The Magus

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