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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.

Tired and at Work

2002-12-26 - 3:33 a.m.

I'm way too tired.

And now I'm at work.

Amongst the rest of the loot, I got Michael Moore's book, "Stupid White Men," which is shaping up to be a good read. A caveat with Mike is that he has decided to err on the side of over-zealousness. Some of his phrases read very heavy-handed, some are little more than angry rants.

But then, he has a lot of reason to be angry, and I'm glad that he's realised that it's sometimes better to care too much than to not care at all.

And of course, the really important stuff, the stuff that we should -all- be upset about, is printed there and, if you want to do some digging, can be confirmed from independent sources. Which is better than you'll get from CNN.

I'm going to post some highlights from the book later tonight, I think. In the aftermath of Christmas, we should probably be reminded that all is not right with the world, and that in addition to the starvation, the crime, the injustices around the world, the most powerful country on the planet is owned by a very unscrupulous set of characters, to say the least.

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