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Happy Holidays

2002-12-24 - 6:47 p.m.

Yesterday: I went out and got breakfast-mixin's, came home and made Pookie French Toast, coffee-with-eggnog, orange juice...a light snow was falling and birds and squirrels were in the backyard, turning it into a mix of sno-globe and disney movie.

Today: Finished Christmas shopping, we're going to watch television, have Christmas dinner, open presents, and maybe walk to some church or other for Midnight Mass.

The last few days have been wonderful: we've talked and laughed, and played with each other, made love, called each other beautiful...

Now, he's wrapping my present in the other room, we're settling in to watch "A Black Adder Christmas," (having watched that other Rowan Atkinson holiday hallmark, "Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean" a few days ago), and I have to say that this is, hands down, one of the best Christmasses I've ever had. And I haven't even opened the presents yet.

Happy Holidays everyone, and peace on earth.

The Magus

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