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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-11-18 - 2:37 p.m.

The update is that NaNoWriMo has changed my life. I'm just past 10,000 words, a fifth of the way through, and feeling pretty good about that. The idea isn't to write anything good, just to write it, and that was completely what I needed.

The thing is, before I stumbled onto this gimick, I was already planning an entry about how I wasn't sure if fiction was still for me. I hadn't been writing much, and maybe I should decide to become an essayist. I kept having the same ideas, over and over again, and I couldn't seem to commit enough to put them down in a readable form. I'd try to force myself to write, and I'd get stuck, or distracted. This journal has pretty much been it for me and any form of creative writing, and really, my life or thoughts on the current geopolitical situation isn't all that creative.

But forcing myself to write has been great. I love writing, it is what I want to do, for the rest of my life. It would have been foolish to start backing away from it just because I wasn't doing it. Hooray for NaNoWriMo!

The only downside: Pookie was asking me about my new years resolutions. I have accomplished everythging that I pretty much cared about. Fitness - I'm still doing the gym thing, quit smoking - I'm past my 1 year anniversary there, become more socially active - I've been to two more protests this year than ever before, drink less - doing that, save money - it's there, it's being saved, write more - Let me just point at the 25 pages of cition that I wrote over the weekend.

So what's next? Shall I just sit back for a while and enjoy this illusiary moment when it feels I've done it all? I think I shall.


The Magus

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