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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-11-27 - 1:52 a.m.

Okay, so when Pookie tells me to write something or else, I know I'm in trouble. He knows where I live.

This isn't supposed to be a long entry, just a quick update. The novel thing is over in four days, and I'll probably be desperate for a place to put down words and stuff, so I'll be back with a vengeance. In the meantime, I put all my coherent thoughts on paper and have nothing to share anywhere else.

So, that's the big reason for no updates lately. The little reason, and probably the more important, is that I've been a little afraid to leave that realm of denial that I erected for myself a couple of weeks ago.

The news is starting to really creep me out, and that's not a good thing. It's feeling like I've entered 1984 (the book, not the year) or some cautionary science fiction tale of that era...watching CNN talk about Homeland Security is just like watching the MiniTrue tell people how good it is that they're being watched.

I enjoy that sort of science fiction, but it's always unnerving to feel like I'm actually starting to live in one.

I just saw on the news the other day a show on CNN, and beneath the actual discussion panel they were doing that information-y blurb, and one of them was: "Canada: It's big, it's it a threat?" All because one of our politicians' aides called Bush a "moron." Sure, it may have been unprofessional, but it doesn't warrant the US getting all defensive about it.

It's all this November-y stuff...I think it was about this time last year that I got a little angry at the news and wanted to just wait until after Christmas to worry about everything.

I don't think, though, that I'll ever suffer from activist burn out: my instincts of self-preservation are a little too finely honed.

More later...


The Magus

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