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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-11-15 - 6:04 a.m.

I am very deliberately pretending that there is no strife in the world tonight.

I'm not sure why it is necessary for me to pretend this, but tonight I have convinced myself that families are happy, Insomniacs are sleeping, Saddam Hussein is merely a misunderstood philanthropist, and that George W. has finally decided to seek the psychological help he needs.

The news on the radio is talking about yesterday, or tomorrow. No one is being bombed, the world is not teetering on the brink of enviornmental collapse, and no one has threatened to explode anything in Canada because we're friends with the US.

The news media has decided to inform rather than titillate, the religious right has decided that their impressive ability to organise would be better served feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and visitting the sick, and in several places, at the same time, very different miracles are happening to people who, until this night of pretend, were very unhappy.

Peace protests are ending peacefully, guns are empty of bullets, and no one is cheating anyone.

This is a night of denial. Tomorrow I'll deal with the real world.


The Magus

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