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I Have Agoraphobia! See my Agoraphobia!

Tenacious D Rocks.


2002-11-08 - 12:37 a.m.

Entries may be few and far between tonight, since it seems the new supervisor will be working the night shift with me...and since I haven't yet been able to figure out his determination to make me work, I may lie low for tonight. Time will tell...

And I'm not sure if the person who signed my guestbook about pictures was signing it in jest or not, but I'm guessing that it was caused by the "Pictures are for losers" banner?

If so, I'd like to point out that pictures are really for -everybody-, winners and losers all. Even the blind can appreciate raised print pictures, or sculpture (which is really just a picture set in stone). I see no reason why pictures should not be for losers, since they can appreciate beauty just like the rest of us. So there.


The Magus

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